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Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 15 July 2008 07:03:08 |
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93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
I sold my 16" keskin for 4-5 weeks ago and i just can't find any new that i
really want! Now i need your help!
I've looked at "DZ Exklusiv DZ1" at but i can't really decide if i really want those. I have search for some more picture on internet and saw the same rims but more shine, like hypersilver alternative chrome but i seems that dosen't have it.
Well well .. i need some help if you know another set of really fat rims!
Looking for:
17" alt 18"
4x100 - Don't tip me with rims are not made in 4x100.
They need to have polished lip (spelling??!)
Max 300 euro/rim
Total: 1100 euro/4 rims
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 15 July 2008 07:08:31 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
You sold the KT4??? Damn, you're crazy man!!! Anyway, i'm at work now so when i go home i'll try to help you with some rims So, it has to be 17'', 5x100, polished lip (so i guess deep dish???), and 300 euro max each
I'll get back at you...
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 15 July 2008 07:35:59 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
All my friends diden't belive there ears when i told them that i sold the rims 
But i want bigger and better but KT4 is hard to match, really nice set of wheels!
The has to be minimum 17", 4x100.
Deep dish is the shit
Depper the better!
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 15 July 2008 07:59:21 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
I never sell my rims btw!!! Even when i buy new ones...Right now i have 3 sets The only time i sold rims where my original Sebrings and i do regret that 
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 15 July 2008 09:36:18 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
Well, all i can say that options for rims are countless!!!
In my opinion, the Corrado looks good on classic style rims and small diameters but since you want 17'' at least here are my favourite rims for a Corrado in those fitments:
1) Azev A's (deep dish, 17'', 4x100, cheap)
2) Kerscher Futura / Carmona (deep dish, 17'' 4x100, not that cheap)
3) Porsche Turbo but replicas ('cause Porsche originals are 5 lug) ex. RH Turbo 17'', RH ZW1 17'', Mille Miglia Cup 3 7,5x17''
4) others: Corrado's also look good on Santa Monica's 17'', Audi TT Competition's 17'' (5lug), ABT's 17'', Work Rezax 7-8x17'' etc.
Lot of designs @
My advice: don't do 17'' and don't do chrome. With 17'' you can't really lower the car very much and chrome are for Jap cars. I'd say a nice set of deep dish 16'' in 8'' width, with polished lip, multi pc, then slam your C and that would make your Corrado look awesome 
Hope it helps...
Jakemeister |
Jakemeister from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 15 July 2008 10:42:43 |
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713 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
how about these
my new rims, lenso >
60% of the time it works all the time.
-- Brian Fantana
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 15 July 2008 13:39:52 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
Those are Lenso 'GodlessG60'??? Never seen them before... What model? Are Lenso wheels good quality-do you happen to know anything particular on them?
How much did you sell the Keskin's btw Tzatziki?
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 15 July 2008 14:49:39 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
I sold my keskin beacause i wanted bigger rims.
It's really cool with a low car and phat rims but you don't want
to see my spoiler, haha! If i diden't sold my keskins i wouldent
have afford with newones, not right now due i have 10.000 other things to
buy *singing "make money money, make money money!" 
I checked out the Azev but its not really what im looking for.
But the Kerscher, aj aj aj! Really nice! To bad they only
are made in 16" .. but i will think about it :]
Porsche turbo, mjaaa .. they are OK but not my type of style ..
I sold my keskins for about 830 Euro. [url]null[/url]
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Jakemeister |
Jakemeister from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 15 July 2008 15:01:12 |
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713 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
don't know the model, bought them from my neighbour who had them on his golf mk2, what i know is that i've never seen them before and that they were a limited edition, acoording to my neighbour, but i really like them on my rado, i think the quality is good.
60% of the time it works all the time.
-- Brian Fantana
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 15 July 2008 16:04:53 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
@ Tzatziki: You should really check
There are so many designs there, that you can be sure to find something you like...
Actually Kerscher's are made in 17'' also (Futura not Carmona, mostly seen on BMW E30's). Ohh, and the picture you put the link are not Futuras or Carmonas, but they are called 'KCS'...
@ Godless G60: I checked the Lenso listings and those rims are not there: so i quess they are an older model or a very rare one!!! That's good, i love findind rare wheels I'm really interested in getting an opinion regarding their quality, from someone who had Lenso's for a long time!Are they multi piece or are those fake bolts???
Jakemeister |
Jakemeister from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 16 July 2008 10:57:14 |
Database Addict

713 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
fake bolts, someday need to buy wrd mesh, love those wheels
60% of the time it works all the time.
-- Brian Fantana
Tyler |
Tyler from Germany (Niedersachsen) posted @ 16 July 2008 15:43:41 |
Database Professional

320 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.9 VR6
BBS RS301 were only available in 5x100. you'll need adaptors to run them on a g60
Auf Wiedersehen, sucka !!

Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 16 July 2008 15:52:48 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
How much thinking have you really done in 2-3 days
All i'm saying is what i have learned all those years is that if you wait (and don't rush at things) you will definately find the 'Perfect' wheels for you...Just don't rush it
I had to compromise for my shitty rims for almost 3 years and then one day, out of nowhere i found my perfect rims (and believe me in Cyprus where i live they are one of a kind!!!)
Regarding your choices(if you want my opinion):
1) Keskin Block Light 17'' (or KT5 block as i know them) are nice, but not the best looking wheel in my opinion for a Corrado (check the database for pics before you decide)
2) DZ Exklusiv DZ1 17'' are very nice (not really my style though) but lots of people have them on Corrado's.
3) Kerscher KCS: Now, those are awesome, quite rare on Corrado's (personally i've never seen on-mostly on BMW's) but get them in 16''... Top choice 
4) BBS RS 301's are only made in 17'' 5x100 especially design for Corrado's, so NO you can't find them in 4x100 and probably you're lucky even to find such rare rims.
5) WRD's Mesh are awesome but very very expensive (check out Ahn's car from Dub Design Industries)
6) Not sure about the RH ZW1's if they come in 4x100 Edit yes they come in 4x100: check Dre 2.0i 8v Corrado from the database
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 16 July 2008 16:12:56 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
I can agree what you are saying about the Keskin KT4 Block Light wheels ..
Maby not the best looking but i wanted to know the people thought.
I also found a pricelist on Kerscher KCS 17" but damn, to expensive.
16" by the way has a better pricetag.
I have looked at WRD Mesh before and i know that the are very expensive ..
Im gonna talk with some friends and see what they have to say about
the Kerscher in 16" ..
Then about the waiting to order rims .. i have waited now for 4-5 weeks
and looked on the internet minute by minute to see if any new intrested
wheels came out. The car has to be ready until 4'th of august beacuse
member of the corrado club sweden are gonna have a party in stockholm
and im planing to go there with Mr.C 
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 16 July 2008 16:17:39 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
4-5 weeks??? I've been waiting for almost 3 years 
Be patient my friend!!! When doing things in a hurry you do mistakes (and i know this from personal experience-i've done a lot of mistakes on my 'Rado because i wasn't patient)...
Go for 16'' Kerscher's
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 16 July 2008 16:36:42 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
hey my greek friend. I don't have 3 years!!! Hahahaha!
I've waited 4-5 weeks and its 4-5 weeks to long :-]
I just talked to my friend over the phone and im
gonna send him a picture on the Kerscher rims and see
what he has to say.
The more i think about the Kerscher wheels the more i wanted them hahaha!
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 17 July 2008 15:07:33 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
let see .. the kerscher wheels where a litle to expensive for me.
when i was calculating everything the first time i must have forgot
a number .. so .. well .. they are way over my budget.
But i saw now that a company here in sweden has realesed some new pictures
on some wheels im a litle intrested in.
what do you think?
ET42 = spacers needed to fit my car.
ET42 = spacers needed to fit my car
Comes in Black, Bronze with polished lip
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
M4RTiN |
M4RTiN from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 17 July 2008 15:22:13 |
Database Addict
962 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado R32
Dont find them special enough, like the ones you had before better 
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 17 July 2008 16:07:57 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
They look nice to me!!! In the first pic they are good but those back from the rear pic are great Cancel your trip to Greece, work some overtimes and save money for the Kerscher's   
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 17 July 2008 18:39:44 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
M4RTiN: Thnx but i don't wanna buy the same rims that i just sold, hehe.
tornado: i will never cancel my trip to greece. I have worked for 2 years without no vacation so now im gonna enjoy my trip to see my relatives.
Gonna be sooo nice!
I really want the Kerscher wheels but i would cost me a bit over 2000 euros
to just get them in 16". Phat rims but not for that price 
But i heard that Tornado was a millionair so i ask my self.
Do you think Tornado could tribute with some funds for a new
set of wheels to mr.tzatziki 
*over and out
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 18 July 2008 06:54:57 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
Who ever told you that Tornado is a millionaire clearly he must be drunk or something!!!
Now, if i was a millionaire would i own a Corrado? (or 10 of them? )
Cheers buddy 
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 18 July 2008 07:16:06 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
hahahaha! :-]
I found another set of wheels .. what do you guys think?
These are only made in 18"
I planed first to order these a couple weeks ago but the company
has summer closed until 1'th of august ..
I planed to order them in hypersilver but the problem was or is
that the polished lip are painted and not solid, if you know what i mean.
The black version is solid and not painted ....
My car is not 100% black so i couldent make a picture how it would look like.
Also i want to say that the polished dish are 6cm (2.36 inches).
Well well .. enough with my writing.
What do you think?
(18" is no problem, gonna wide the arches in the winter and i have shocks thats adjustable. One more thing are that im intrested in black version, not hyperblack or chrome)
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 18 July 2008 09:15:03 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
6cm of dish and 18's'' !!! Oh my God, you will need major arch work to make them fit properly...
What the width and ET (offset) on those? They look very nice btw 
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 18 July 2008 14:15:05 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
They have offset 35
What do you think of black then?
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 18 July 2008 16:41:32 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
The offset (et35mm) is perfect for the Corrado...
About them in black:..i would say NO Prefer them silver or something in that tone!!!
Definately not black or chromed 
If it's a company in your country, then can you trial fit them to see how they look? (Post some pics maybe?)
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 18 July 2008 18:17:02 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
The problem is that hypersilver version has a painted dish.
The black one has a polished dish.
Not to funny if the paint cracks or something ..
But the car are used only in the summer but we have a lot of rain and polarbears (ahahaha) down here 
The company is stated here in sweden but i have about 500km one-way 
Im gonna think about ordering them in hypersilver ..
And of course i will post pictures when i have my hands on some new rims
and mounted on the car!! 
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tzatziki |
Tzatziki from Sweden (Skåne) posted @ 18 July 2008 18:48:41 |
Database Amateur

93 Topic posts Private message
1993 Corrado 2.0 16V
i just emaild the company and asked some question about the painted dish.
maby i will get new wheels faster than i thought 
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen //Sean Connery
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 19 July 2008 17:19:54 |
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517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
They look kinda "bling" to me!!! Too much chrome is not a Corrado's thing
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