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Vinnie16V |
Vinnie16V from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 7 February 2006 00:34:16 |
Database Noobie

13 Topic posts Private message
1989 Corrado 1.8 G60 1992 Corrado 2.0i 16V 1992 Corrado 2.9 VR6
hoe hoog mag de olietempratuur zijn van een Corrado?
Want bij de mijne blijft ie mooi tussen de 90 en 94 graden als ik rij maar als ik stil ga staan dan loopt ie op tot 110 graden en de motortempratuur schiet dan ook omhoog,
hij rookt dan ook heel erg, maar zodra ik dan weer ga rijden dan wordt de tempratuur weer nortmaal en houd ie ook op met roken. Ik weet niet of dit een groot probleem is of niet?
misschien dat een van jullie het weet
Bozo |
Bozo from Netherlands (Groningen) posted @ 7 February 2006 20:37:33 |
Database Professional

283 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
ey martin we know the language code dude but not every body knows the language 
popup the hood and look if your coolingfan starts to spin 
doe je motor kap omhoog laat hem stationair draaien en ga kijken of je koelvin aan springt 
als hij dat doet is er niks aan het handje.
Vinnie16V |
Vinnie16V from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 9 February 2006 00:37:24 |
Database Noobie

13 Topic posts Private message
1989 Corrado 1.8 G60 1992 Corrado 2.0i 16V 1992 Corrado 2.9 VR6
sorry I didn't know about that is must be in English , but thanks I'll try what you said, but why it starts to smoke so heavy ?
Non registered user |
9 February 2006 14:37:18 |
Database Noobie

8 Topic posts Private message
Even its in dutch.
I think i understand and had same problem with my G60. Conect red or red and black wire from cooling fan straight to battery positive. If it spins the fan, then check for broken wires or bad connections. Could be thermostat, remove it, leave it conected to the wires and drop it into boiling water.
Wiring diagrams can be found at Corrado club Canada.
Bozo |
Bozo from Netherlands (Groningen) posted @ 9 February 2006 21:11:07 |
Database Professional

283 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
vinni did u look if the starts ?
my raddo smokes also so dont think it will be a problem.
in the wintertime a car smokes more than in the summer time
and check your oil stick regularly your car might drink some oil 
Jakemeister |
Jakemeister from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 9 February 2006 22:42:20 |
Database Addict

713 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
the whole point of keeping it in English is that everybody can understand and thus help you with your problem, but it seems The Finnish and dutch are not that much different! 
60% of the time it works all the time.
-- Brian Fantana
Vinnie16V |
Vinnie16V from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 12 February 2006 18:01:50 |
Database Noobie

13 Topic posts Private message
1989 Corrado 1.8 G60 1992 Corrado 2.0i 16V 1992 Corrado 2.9 VR6
in the summer he doesn't smoke, only in the winter but in the summer if my Corrado is warm he will start very bad and in the winter he starts perfect and that weird i think
Vinnie16V |
Vinnie16V from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 12 February 2006 18:03:36 |
Database Noobie

13 Topic posts Private message
1989 Corrado 1.8 G60 1992 Corrado 2.0i 16V 1992 Corrado 2.9 VR6
and Bozo I'll tried what you said and my coolingfan starts to spin so thats okay
Bozo |
Bozo from Netherlands (Groningen) posted @ 13 February 2006 21:46:04 |
Database Professional

283 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
ey vinny
how smels the smoke from your car a bit oily or a bit benzin
when your car is hot very hot and u play the gas pedle do u hear it burst or flame?
i think ur car gets a bit 2 much fuel thats why it starts bad and smokes more.
or the timing for the ignition is a bit off
and also gives the same problems.
S_bentem |
S_bentem from Netherlands (Zuid-Holland) posted @ 15 February 2006 14:55:43 |
Database Noobie

6 Topic posts Private message
1989 Corrado 1.8 G60
some thermostats start working at 120 degreeds celcius, I had that problem to, so i just bought an other thermo wich start at 80 degreeds, and problem was solved
Vinnie16V |
Vinnie16V from Netherlands (Friesland) posted @ 15 February 2006 18:56:11 |
Database Noobie

13 Topic posts Private message
1989 Corrado 1.8 G60 1992 Corrado 2.0i 16V 1992 Corrado 2.9 VR6
Bozo if I shift down and put the gas pedle to the botom there is comming a flame from the exaust yes
Bozo |
Bozo from Netherlands (Groningen) posted @ 18 February 2006 12:08:13 |
Database Professional

283 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
isnt it great when she farts 
vinny ur raddo is getting a bit to mucht fuel
thats why she smokes, when ur giving her a maintanance job let them tuneup the engine egnition (ontsteking) that should solve the problems and a bit 2mucht fuel isnt bad just funny 
u could use the advice from the guys above it would solve it heatning up but it isnt 2 wurry about.
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