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Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 22 June 2009 09:59:00 |
Database Addict

517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
Yesterday, while on launch, i missed 2nd gear...Afterwards a stange noice is coming from the engine...Sounds like a whisling sound (like the blown off valve on turbo cars) everytime i press the gas pedal...Any ideas what damage i may have caused? Sounds serious? Don't know much from mechanics so i would love to hear your thoughts Just hope my g-lader hasn't blowned...
corradohias |
corradohias from Austria (Oberösterreich) posted @ 22 June 2009 19:55:43 |
Database Noobie
20 Topic posts Private message
1992 Corrado 2.9 VR6
wher does it come from? from the engine or the gearbox?
can you make a video?
sorry for my bad english.
Wish |
Wish from United Kingdom (Englands North) posted @ 22 June 2009 22:27:19 |
Database Semi-Pro

237 Topic posts Private message
1994 Corrado 2.9 VR6
Sorry to hear this Nick aka Tornado, I hope everything is going to be ok?
Spoilers Up
Corrado VR6 247/365
Corrado-itis, the illness continues!
Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 23 June 2009 13:55:51 |
Database Addict

517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
Phew, i got away with only some blown pipes and more certainly the one that connects to the inlet manifold Lucky me, i guess
Goda666 |
Goda666 from Netherlands (Flevoland) posted @ 23 June 2009 19:50:53 |
Database Semi-Pro

161 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60 1989 Corrado 1.8 G60
hey nick,
did your engine sounds like it was running on 3 cilinders, with blow off valve?
i had once a Vacu

Tornado |
Tornado from Cyprus (Cyprus) posted @ 24 June 2009 14:13:37 |
Database Addict

517 Topic posts Private message
1990 Corrado 1.8 G60
All the clips were re-newed after the G60 engine conversion (approx. 3-4 months ago). Goda666, exactly the same thing as you describe... Thanks god it was only a hose
Wish |
Wish from United Kingdom (Englands North) posted @ 24 June 2009 21:56:51 |
Database Semi-Pro

237 Topic posts Private message
1994 Corrado 2.9 VR6
Pheeeeeeeeeeweeeeeee lol, good news Nick :0)
Spoilers Up
Corrado VR6 247/365
Corrado-itis, the illness continues!
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